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Add your pinned repositories to your portfolio or website using this API.

Using the api on your project

If you want to add your pinned repositories to your portfolio or website and can't find an API that works for this, then your problems are over. I've created an API that does exactly that, and its usage is extremely easy. Simply pass your GitHub username as a query parameter.

Example of request

[!note] Replace YOUR_USERNAME with your GitHub username

A simple example of use in JavaScript

// Replace "kremilly" for your GitHub username
   json => json.json()
).then(callback => { 

See here others examples in others languages and using Axios.js

Simple output of request:

    "commits": 21,
    "contributors": 1,
    "description": "This is where you can find all the APIs I've built using the Flask framework and Python programming language. All APIs are free to use, both for personal and professional purposes, and there are no usage limits.",
    "forks": 0,
    "home": "",
    "issues": 0,
    "languages": [
    "name": "MyApis",
    "stars": 0,
    "tags": [
    "url": ""

The API will return a JSON with all your pinned repositories (if any; otherwise, it will return an empty JSON)

Queries Parameters

  • user Set the username

Data returned by the API

  • name Repository name (required)
  • description Repository description (optional)
  • home Repository home URL (optional)
  • url Repository url on GitHub (generated by GitHub)
  • stars Repository stars amount (default is 0)
  • forks Repository forks amount (default is 0)
  • commits Repository commits amount (default is 0)
  • issues Repository issues amount (default is 0)
  • contributors Repository contributors amount (default is 1)
  • languages Repository languages (generated by GitHub)
  • tags Repository topics on GitHub (optional)

Possible messages knowning

  • The user does not have any pinned repositores (Status code: 200)
  • User does not exist on GitHub (Status code: 404)
  • Error fetching pinned repositories (Status code: 500)